time for a reactor...

nm reef

Active Member
...I knew that a calcium reactor and possibly a kalk reactor were in my future...especially after adding 15 or so SPS types over the past 4-5 months. I normally check my water chemistry on a bi-weekly basis and in the past I've been able to maintain the following ranges with bi-weekly 10 gal water changes and suppliments of Seachem Reef Advantage/Builder/Magnesium and a steady slow kalk drip:
temp: 76-82
nitrate: non-detectable
phosphate: non-detectable
calcium:425-450 ppm (4 month average)
alkalinity:8.5-10.0 dKH (4 month average)
magnesium: 1200-1300 ppm (4 month average)
In the past 4-6 weeks I have seen a steady decline in the alkalinity as well as the magnesium dispite increases in suppliments for both. Everything else has remained relatively stable but I am finding it difficult to establish much less maintain alk & mag...I have increased the amount of the suppliments and I recently switched from Instant Ocean salt to Oceanic...
Here are the results from todays testing:
temp: 77.9
alkalinity:8.3 dKH
I still drip Seachem suppliments and kalk 24/7 to replace all evaporation but as the SPS continue to grow and as I continue to add more frags the maintenance of desired levels becomes more difficult. I am already nearly double the suppliments that I have used over the past few years and I don't think Seachem suppliments for mag/alk/calcium will be able to keep pace with consumption!
So....its time to focus on the addition of a calcium reactor and possibly a kalk reactor hooked up to a automated top-off system.I knew the need would increase as I added SPS types...but after a few months of carefully watching the numbers I'm convinced that I need to make a change in order to continue providing decent water chemistry for my evolving reef. Ain't this hobby just grand...there is always another expense just around the cornor and new adjustments to make!!!!!:thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
Basically just out of curiosity....many reports have indicated that the Oceanic disolves better...has a higher calcium and alk level. I simply wanted to try it and see for myself. I've always used IO with no problems...but I couldn't see any major harm in trying a bucket of the Oceanic. Each time I mix a batch the following numbers are consistent:
alk-9.0-10.0 dKH
It mixs quick and seems to be a better product so far...at least the calcium/alk/mag seem a bit higher than the IO... :thinking:


Active Member
As you know I run both (well, I did until I started Zeovit back in Oct) They compliment each other very well. Since dropping the Kalk about the only thing I've noticed is my pH runs 8.0-8.15 rather then 8.15-8.30..
If you have a top off system already in use with a dosing pump then setting up a kalk reactor will be much cheaper then setting up a Ca reactor..even if you do get a good deal on a Ca reactor:D
Once you get the hang of the ca reactor its pretty much set it and forget it. I find my self adjusting mine a lot more these days because the Zeoheads suggest the tank water to be more like NSW..Its not that easy to keep the Ca up and the alk low but I'm getting there...well, I'm not getting anywhere with a broken reactor.

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...no top-off system in place. I believe I'll go with the calc reactor first and possibly continue dripping kalk via a 2.5 gal drip system(kind of like a dude that used to use a 5 gal gas can):rolleyes:
The possibility of a deal on a reactor is out there...and I may take advantage of the offer...if not I believe I'll go with a package deal on a CR-1 with the CO2 regulator...mag2 pump...PH controller...5lb bottle...and caribsea ARM media. The entire package is listed at just under $550 complete. Unless somebody can suggest a better deal for less cash. I'll need to do something soon cause my levels are steadily becoming more difficult to maintain...:thinking:


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
(kind of like a dude that used to use a 5 gal gas can):rolleyes:

I remember those days:D it worked pretty well but you can't leave the tank alone for more then 2 days:eek:
Originally posted by NM reef

The possibility of a deal on a reactor is out there...and I may take advantage of the offer...if not I believe I'll go with a package deal on a CR-1 with the CO2 regulator...mag2 pump...PH controller...5lb bottle...and caribsea ARM media. The entire package is listed at just under $550 complete. Unless somebody can suggest a better deal for less cash. I'll need to do something soon cause my levels are steadily becoming more difficult to maintain...:thinking:

I'd opt for a bottle from your local welding or gas supply shop. Its much easier to swap bottles then to get then filled and swapping that new shinny bottle for an old painted one just seems wrong:) Plus you'll want a 10 pounder, at least. With the CR-1 you'll probably wan to add a second chamber but that won't be hard to do later on.
If it were me I'd get the Regulator Andy has (125.00) get a bottle from your welding shop (80.00???) and use CaribSea Geo-Marine for your Media (21.00 for a 40 pound bag. 41.00 shipped from MD) That along with the CR-1 is less then 400.00...if you get "the deal" on a reactor it could be less then 250.00....I think a contoller is a good thing to have but I've never found a need for it..


Active Member
NM you will love having a reactor. They are great, but like golfish said they can be a pain to get dailed in. It took my bro three weeks of messing with his but now he doesnt even touch it. Keep us posted on what you end up doing


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Thanks for the input mark...by the way....YGM.

got it, now you got mail...I see no reason we can't get the ball rolling a little sooner.

tru conch

Active Member
im in the same boat as you NM. im using a 5 gal kalk drip doser, and im on the hunt for a cal reactor. i will be looking forward to seeing how your set up with it goes. :)
i know you cant post web links on this page, but are you talking about the reactors on my.reef.cre*tions? just wondering...

nm reef

Active Member
Yup...I do believe what I'm getting is a tired old hand me down MRC....and I was gettin' ready to purchase a package from them anyway. I'll be sure to post pics of the reactor...any required repairs...and set up ... I'm confident that one way or the other I'll soon be able to stop the 24/7 kalk drip and do away with the additive system I've been using. Its just got to the point where I can no longer maintain the levels I want with drips.:thinking: