So time to choose first fish for my new 77 gal!! I would like to say that i already have a 50 gal reef whith a maroon clown,yelow tail demsel,lemon peel angel,firefish and a 6 line wrasse.
so this tank is going to be a reef and this time i only want a realy peacefull tank!! So tank has been up and running for 8 weeks all water parametre are good!! The fish i want the most is a one spot foxface( going to be the bigger fish in the tank) the rest is going to be smaller fish.So is the foxface can be added first? I would like to know if they be o.k in a reef!! I know RCreation has one here in reef? So tanks
so this tank is going to be a reef and this time i only want a realy peacefull tank!! So tank has been up and running for 8 weeks all water parametre are good!! The fish i want the most is a one spot foxface( going to be the bigger fish in the tank) the rest is going to be smaller fish.So is the foxface can be added first? I would like to know if they be o.k in a reef!! I know RCreation has one here in reef? So tanks