time for the hard part...


well i decided to hold off on the freshwater puffers till my salt tank is finished.
its time to make the hardest desision of all. my 2 percs have been happily playing annd frolicking for about a week now so next week i am gonna get another fish and 2 scarlet cleaner shrimp. i was thinkin along the lines of a goby. or a wrasse, or some blue chromis, or some green chromis, or a blenny wow there are soo many beautiful fishes out there. maby a royal gamma. hmmm. any tips? and plz dont say sixline, i want my bristle worms.


Chromis are pretty and although one would look nice they do like to school. Three or more in a tank is suggested but htree more fish in your tank eould really be pushing the max bio-load.
The royal gramma is a beautiful little fish. They can get a little territorial but shouldn't bother your clowns.
You might want to consider waiting a couple more weeks before adding more fish to allow your tank to fully adjust to the new bio-load of those two clowns.


New Member
I would get the blue or green chromis. They are just good little fish to build a foundation on, along with the clowns.


i cant get a school in my 30 tho. i will wait a little longer. i like gobys. or maby a pair of firefish. or maby a yellow wrasse, or maby neon gobys. c y i have a problem??