Time lights are on


Active Member
Right now my T5's only come on for about 5 hours, but once I get rid of the last of this algae I'll bump them up to 8-10 hours a day.


The more I run my light, the more brown algae growns on my glass. That stuff pisses me off. Any effective ways to rid my tank of it?



Originally posted by SquishyFish
Im not sure how to vote.
My vho's (actinic) are on 12 hours a day.
P/c (50/50's) on 9 hrs a day
m/h (10k 175watt) on 6 hrs a day
they step up lowest to brightest and step down the opposite.

Damn! You have a reef or something? I just have two 36" bulbs.


Active Member
I run mine so I get a good amount of viewing time. Usually late in the afternoon to about 10:00 pm.


I am thinking of changing my times. What would be the best way to change? Should I just start the different lighting shifts or should I adjust it by a few hours over the next few weeks?


Same lights as I am using right now. I have been turning them on around 8am and off at 5pm because i thought that was nature for the fish but I would like more watch time so I was thinking about turning them on at 3 or 4pm and off at 11 or 12 pm.
I only have two fish and they were just added yesterday.


Every week or 2 i shutem off for 1 or 2 days . . . fish and corals dont mind but the algae hate it!!! lol
During periodds of darkness, remember the 'venetian blinds' as indirect light, especilly in the summer can add to the photoperiod!


I turn mine on at 8 am feeding time, turn it off at 2mp-4pm
for napping then turn back on from 4 pm to 9pm.


Active Member
actinics on for 10 hours & 10k MH on for 8 hours. Photoperiod starts at 1pm & ends at 11 pm. I began with 14 hours, then backed it down to 12 & 10. My nuisance algaes went away more with each incrementle step. All of my corals are thriving/spliting & healthy!