Time to add a new fish?


My tank is about 7mos old. All the levels are great just teated them tonight. I want to add a new fish prob on sat. Last fish was added dec 22nd. Current tank occupants are 2 damsels,lawmower blenny & a royal gramma,also a couple of hermits. Is it safe to add another fish at this time? I was also thinking of adding a cleaner shrimp. Any suggestions on a new fish? I want something hardy and pretty,also something that dosen't spend most of it's time hidden. I was thinking about a foxface???? :notsure: .My tank is a 75gal I forgot to mention that earlier.


Active Member
Yeah, you could add a new fish now as long as all your levels tested out well, like you said.
I think a foxface might go well in your tank.


fish and cleaner shrimp - OK to add now IMO!

Suggestions: Flame Angel, Yellow Tang, 2-3 Firefish Gobys (personal Favorites)
Other suggestions: Jawfish, Diamond Goby, Foxface, or Naso tang.
Dxtr -


Thanks for the input. The levels are good and I will test them again sat morning. I'm like a freak testing the water levels in this tank. 2 mos after I started it it crashed big time.Lost all but 2 fish. waited untill dec to add another one levels stayed fine. I'm just re3ally nervous about adding fish now. Will adding a shrimp too increase the bioload alot? I don't know what impact cleaner shrimp have on the bioload.


Thanks dexter. I also love the flame angles. I don't have alot of live rock in my tank and I'm afraid I won't be able to get the angel to eat. I had a keyhole for about 3wks and it refused to eat. I guess you can figure out what happened to it
I would love to add an angle if you can give me some suggestions on what to do to get them to eat. My lfs has a beautiful flame as we speak.


Active Member
The cleaner shrimp will hardly affect the bioload at all.You would be fine to add the shrimp and the fish.
However, I would like to say that the advice given to you by Dexter is not totally correct. A naso tang would not be happy in a 75 gallon tank.


Thanks, I think I'm going to go with the foxface. Everything I read on them sounds good. They seem like a hardy fish. Do you know do they accept food without much of a problem?


Active Member
They should. Just be sure to give them a varied diet of greens like nori and kelp, while at the same using some meaty foods such as mysis shrimp and krill.