Time to add fish



My new 55gl fish only (for now) tank finished its cycling on Friday of last week :) Time to add fish and I wanted to get some ideas. I am partial to Angels but keep reading that one dwarf angel shouldn't be in with others. I really would like a bicolor and a flame or coral beauty but see that they can exist in a tank together.
Can anyone offer some fish suggestions on dwarf angels who can exists together?
Much thanks.


A 55 might be to small for two, but if you do try it just add them both at the same time. And if they are different shapes that gives you a better chance. I for sure would NOT start with any angel, even if your tank has cycled wait at least 6 months to add angels, because they do better in a mature tank.


I was in a similar predicament about 3 months ago, I wanted to badly get a dwarf angel, but instead I took the advice of people on this board. I started out instead with 2 perculas and a royal dottyback. The tank is coming along very well now and I think the most important aspect of this hobby is PATIENCE. It took me a while to truly recognize it but you definitely need it. Don't rush anything. I'll probably get a dwarf angel in another 3 months, but don't shrug of people's advice on this board, I almost did but and I'm glad that I didn't. But I think perculas, royal grammas, purple firefish are all very intersting fish that I think you'll like too.