Time to add new Friends


Active Member
Looking to add a few more livestock to a 55g Tanks been up and running now a good 8 months. Currently have 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 molly, snails and hermit crabs. Have a DSB w/sump complete w/pods and chaeto. Wanting to add a Watchman Goby w/pistol shrimp then maybe later a Coral Beauty. Think I am good but only if I can get them from my LFS...may have to order the shrimp haven't seen him carry any. Would like to watch there symbiotic relationship. Any tips or concerns..comments..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan. Having a plan, in my opinion, leads to better success A watchman goby is on my list for future fish.
I have never had a pistol shrimp to go with it but would also like to have one of those. I have heard they can dig up the sand bed pretty good.


Active Member
A plan is Spot on ...been here long enough to see many rush into adding livestock only to see them die.


Active Member
Been researching a little more and have talked with my LFS on a special ordering So the results are in Going to order a Red banded goby w/a Randall's shrimp. Have read they may need to adjust to the new tank surrounds and may hide a lot at first, also eating may come slower than some fish. Anyone have experience with this pair or a paired goby and shrimp


Well-Known Member
You might look at divers den for this. Their fish are eating and quarantined, not necessarily quarantined long enough but at least a while. They frequently have goby and shrimp pairs.


Active Member
Really skeptical about buying online due to the shipping costs. I'll find out on the costs and compare. Heard of Divers Den on here a lot seems many use them. Might be time to get with the picture they do have a lot more choices than a LFS...Thx imforbis


Active Member
Looked at divers den and w/shipping seems the cost is about the same as LFS.....plan is to buy from LFS and bond a-little w/him...plus got $65 worth of B-Day Gift cards at his store.....Lol


Active Member
Placed a request with my LFS on a Red banded goby w/red striped pistol shrimp. No $ down said see what he could do no guarantees on both coming in at the same time...Am Okay with that, going to give it a go if not satisfied will order online. Have been setting-up 10G QT tank wanted to use a sponge filter that ran in sump for 2 weeks or so, guess the one I ordered a month ago is literally coming on a slow boat from China....getting close for possible fish.Thinking on buying a small HOB and using plan B, I have filter material soaking in the sump that came with PODS I ordered 3 weeks ago was going to use if needed. Reading some posts stating to cycle QT tank prior to use basically what the original sponge filter in the sump was for....So if by chance I do get my order Monday will the HOB w/filter material work. Will test water param's and WC as necessary. Don't like to set myself up for failure but it would seem such a small bioload that it will work w/out fully cycling the QT tank. Pls share comments


Well-Known Member
Just watch the ammonia and have water on hand to do emergency changes.
If you don't already have one, look into an ammonia badge from Seachem. They attach to the inside of the tank and give real time info.
I'd also have prime on hand to help detoxify ammonia. Because my QT is never cycled, I add prime daily as long as I am not using copper. Never use prime with copper.


Active Member
++ on the ammonia alert badge and yes have similar products. Planned on the WC's....didn't know about the copper and prime....Thx


Active Member
Hoping my LFS could fill my order...Ready QT up and ....damn forgot about the RODI unit out back making water.....Oh well patio is clean..just gave it a bath..getting old sux.....Oh and the QT is up and running ready for my new fish... :)


Well-Known Member
I have forgotten that I was making water so many times. I finally put a float valve (like in a toilet) to shut it off when it gets full. That has reduced the number of floods I have created considerably.


Active Member
Still new and things will come started back in 74 catching my own fish using ocean water and sand..never successfully but tried....Think I have come along way..


Active Member
No Fish from LFS today may come next Monday......but did come home with a short spine sea urchin..so far like the little guy....Filled the QT two days ago today it was cloudy. I used the WC water from my DT to fill it (good/bad)??? but did only have a air-stone w/heater while waiting for ordered filter...Enough....waiting bought a HOB filter w/carbon.I guess ? is should I use new salt or can I use the water the from DT...does it matter, was thinking of using WC's from DT for WC's to QT ..only makes sense to me..


Well-Known Member
As long as your parameters are good it should be fine. Also keeps the new guys in water consistent with their future home.