Time to change bulbs....recommendation's?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I'm currently running 2x 250w 14k Hamilton SE Metal Halides on a M58 ballast.I havent made up mind yet on color temp yet 14k vs 20k. Im limited on what i can run because of the ballast(I sure wish i would have went with electronic ballasts)so im listening if anyone has any recommendations.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Have you considered XM 15k? I've got those in 400W for our 150 and in 150W for our 75 tank.
At this point im considering any bulb that will run on my ballast,Pheonix,Reeflux,XM....... anything but Hamilton bulbs.


Active Member
pheonix 14k seem to be the one that peolple dont change away from on the other site (and a lot cheaper than the hamilton ) i am gonna go that way on the 180 i am building now . the color leans more to 20k than most 14k but have the par of 14k


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
pheonix 14k seem to be the one that peolple dont change away from on the other site (and a lot cheaper than the hamilton ) i am gonna go that way on the 180 i am building now . the color leans more to 20k than most 14k but have the par of 14k
I have Phoenix 14K 250 HQIs on my 90 and they are very blue. I like them over the other bulbs I have tried though. My corals seem to like them better also.
I have Current 20K 150 HQI on my 15 gallon tank and the Phoenix are bluer than that one.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I have Phoenix 14K 250 HQIs on my 90 and they are very blue. I like them over the other bulbs I have tried though. My corals seem to like them better also.
I have Current 20K 150 HQI on my 15 gallon tank and the Phoenix are bluer than that one.

I dont believe Phoenix make a mogul base bulb ,do they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont believe Phoenix make a mogul base bulb ,do they?
Not that I have seen. Now that I carefully read your OP..........it seems your looking for single end. Doh.

I have Aqua connect 14Ks over my 120 and they have a light blue tint. I have Reeflux 12Ks over my 75 and they have a heavy blue tint.
All 250w.


Active Member
Have you checked Sanjay's lighting page? There you'll be able to see the exact PAR and other values specific to your ballast and different bulbs that work with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Have you checked Sanjay's lighting page? There you'll be able to see the exact PAR and other values specific to your ballast and different bulbs that work with it.
Beat me to it

This is probably one of the most informative pages out there.
A lot of people diss Reeflux bulbs for having crappy PAR, but a lot of people on -- are using them and swear by them.