Time to change to sand


New Member
Ok I’m not exactly new to the hobby (obsession) 20+ years, I’m old school I still use crushed corral and crushed oyster shell as my substrate. I’m having a custom built tank 96L 35W 30T about 430 gal lets talk about sand how much and has anyone ever used beach sand (yes I know it has all kinds of things I don’t want in my tank ) but I’m willing to take the chance.


How much sand would depend on whether you are creating a deep sand bed or whether it is just something to cover the bottom of the tank for looks. A deep sand bed is usually 4 to 6 inches deep.
Even if I wanted to use beach sand, it is illegal at most beaches to remove the sand from the beach. You could look into getting sand from the like of Home Depot or that type store to keep the cost down. I believe Southdown is the recommended brand. Why introduce bad stuff to your tank if you can avoid it?


Active Member
Beach Sand will be okay to use as long its pretty clean cause my friend has use it and he has no problems with it. But one thing for sure it doesn't look as nice as the ones you get from the store cause they don't look dark when its in water like beach sand.