Time to chose...


Active Member
O.K. So I'm in the big city for the obligatory holiday visits and I check out one of the larger LSF in the state and they got this really cute Porc. Puffer and I really really want it...
But I have a PV Lionfish in the tank now and I've heard some say the puffer will "nip" his fins off and others say no problem
I don't want to end up with a "

" lion but the Puffer is sooo cute and he follows me around the tank and everything...:)rolleyes: I'm starting to sound like my kids when they wanted a puppy...:rolleyes: )
Any way they're open tomorrow and I can pick him up before I head home...Unless you talk me out of it...or into it...
My Tank is a 125, the Lion is about 12"+ and the Puffer is about 6"+ ( they do have a smaller one if that would be "safer") or...There is an awsome Harliquin Tusk about 5" which I wouldnt mind having...Or....:help:
I think the harlequinn would be nice. The puffer might nip the lion, it just depends. Thats your call. Seems like it might no be a problem since the puffer is half the size and the lion has been established there for awhile. Never know though, when the puffer gets established in the tank he might nip at him. What else is in the tank??


Active Member
As I've been searching, I'm finding the "Porcupine" and the "Spiny Box" Puffers to be Known as fin nippers, but the "Dog Faced" Arothron (black) not as likely...
Is this reliable?
Most puffers and triggers are attacted to the flowing spines on a lion. I would be wary about trying it. My Dog face is in with a humahuma, undulated triggers and a fimbriated moray. When he wants to he can be a real terror and destrictive.


Active Member
You guy's are right...I do know better...I'm going to get the Harliquin Tusk for now He's a pretty cool fish too.
(They got a 10" one there as well..Love those Teeth)
I was just getting excited and impulsive at the same time, I just had to have a Puffer, today,NOW...O.K. O.K. I'm over it... :rolleyes:
I just got a 90 gal (used from a friend) when I get home I'll set it up get it cycling...and THEN...:D :D :D


im pretty sure that a 90 may be a bit small for a full grown porcipine puffer, i have seen them well over a foot long!:eek:


Active Member
Actually I was thinking of moving the Lion to the 90 and the Puffer in the 125...
We'll see, Now that I'm back and the excitement has worn off I'll have time to think and plan this out...
I didn't think I'd get caught up in the "Impulsiveness" of the moment, but I sure did...
I'm glad I took the time to ask for input before making a purchase I may have regretted/ not been prepared for...
I went back Sunday and the Tusk was gone..Damn those Capitalistic pigs...they sold it out from under me...
It's my fault really I should have put a down payment down to hold him or
the Puffer till I could decide...Oh Well...I did pick up a SCWD for the reef. :D


Active Member
I have heard of people having problems with puffers and lionfish but I have kept both many times and NEVER had any problems.