Time to let go


Well i think the time is here that its time for Trig the niger trigger to go back to the lfs, i was feeding him and the puffer and dwarf fuzzy tonight and Trig went after it pretty aggresively, Mc puff puffed up for the first time ever and it looked like Trig bullied Muffassa for some dinner so I guess the time has come that hes outgrown his home. its a 55 btw and i know they will all outgrow the tank at one time or another.

crypt keeper

Active Member
that sucks but at least you are making the better choice. Why not post it and try and find it a better home then your LFS who could possibly resell it to some new guy who has no idea whats going on and could kill it?


Originally Posted by pleasants9
Well i think the time is here that its time for Trig the niger trigger to go back to the lfs, i was feeding him and the puffer and dwarf fuzzy tonight and Trig went after it pretty aggresively, Mc puff puffed up for the first time ever and it looked like Trig bullied Muffassa for some dinner so I guess the time has come that hes outgrown his home. its a 55 btw and i know they will all outgrow the tank at one time or another.
That's crazy talk...just get a bigger tank
. What kind of puffer is it?


That's the problem with Nigers. The bigger they get, the more agressive they get. They should only be kept with other equally agressive fish. I made the same mistake too and I had to sell mine back to the LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
That's crazy talk...just get a bigger tank
. What kind of puffer is it?
Then you still have the trigger, puffer & lionfish; a bad combo; George, you're grounded! (But, you're right, a bigger tank is ALWAYS required.)


maybe when i graduate college and start making my ensigns pay than i can upgrade but for now the niger will have to go. someone locally is selling a bicolor blenny that i think im gonna make an offer for. If anyone is interested in the trigger hes almost 3 1/2 inches long and very fat!...lol What does everyone think i should replace the trigger with?


Active Member
Nice looking Niger, but yes a Niger that is considerably larger than is tank mates and in a smallish tank is not likely to end well.


Active Member
I'd bet the lion will have the blenny for lunch. Lions grow faster than any fish I've ever kept and this one should be big enough to eat any bi-color blenny very soon.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Then you still have the trigger, puffer & lionfish; a bad combo; George, you're grounded! (But, you're right, a bigger tank is ALWAYS required.)

The lion can stay in the small tank. Just move the trigger and puffer. You never give up ground...once a tank is up, it stays up. Use the bigger fish as leverage on your significant other and upgrade to the bigger tank. Works for me
I did not even catch the combo...that was sloppy on my part...apologies...I just saw "give fish back" and reacted. I will try to be more vigilant in the future sr


haha its all good.
Crpyt I was actually thinking of either the bicolor or flame or the coral beauty were the three i was thinking of. since i already feed with mysis i was thinking flame cause im pretty sure he would eat that, whats the temperement and general characteristics of flame angels and bicolor angels?
Thanks for all the input guys!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Flames are pretty chill from what I have read and can be hardy. I plan on getting one in a couple months once my 75 is cycled. Bi Color gets a little bigger and arent as hardy from what I have been reading up on as well. The coral beauty is a little aggressive for a dwarf. You had a niger trigger aggression shouldnt be a big deal. Id get a bigger Flame. That color will snap with the other two fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pleasants9
im feeling the flame angel, im just gonna wait till i get back from spring break before i get him
Good choice. IMO; the real key to Flames, and other dwarf angels, is lots of very mature LR with plenty of stuff to graze on.


how about a snowflake eel it's on a college budget and wont cut into your beer expense. Or if you're not into an eel I too like the flame hawk idea.