Time Travel


Active Member
If you can travel back in time, where would you go?
for me:
a) 150 million years ago. I want to see a dinosaur
b) year 100AD- I want to travel and see what the US looked like before whitey invaded it.
c) 1975- I would hang out with steve jobs, give him man-love, and buy all the apple stock I could


Active Member
What's up cowfish, bored today? Lush soap and time travel!
Creation of the universe!


Active Member
First I would travel back one week and buy the winning numbers on Mega Millions. After that I would probably check out the stone age and medieval europe for a while.
not to sure, but IF time travel was possible i would go back and walk with jesus. or even back to the begining of time. or better yet to the end of the world.


Active Member
Dude, I would so love to time travel
Go back and see what the dinosaurs were like, that would require many different trips.
See what the ancient Egyptians were like, how the spoke and how they built the pyramids.
Watch them drafting and signing the Declaration of Independence.
Watch Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg address.
Videotape OJ in the act.
Did Babe Ruth really call the shot to center field?
So many more......


Active Member
I'd like to go back to the birth of life on earth so I can finally get the story straight and be able to sleep at night.


I go back in time to when my Grandma was alive and I'd spent WAAAYYY more time with her than I did the first time around.


Active Member

Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
If you can travel back in time, where would you go?
for me:
a) 150 million years ago. I want to see a dinosaur
b) year 100AD- I want to travel and see what the US looked like before whitey invaded it.
c) 1975- I would hang out with steve jobs, give him man-love
, and buy all the apple stock I could
dude i really dont get your purpose of all the off colar threads (look at bolded portion of quote)... perhaps youre trying your best at getting a thread started/attention that youre not getting from your "wife"/"1 of 12 bass'"...
i really dont get it...