timer not working


i have cheep lights. yesterday i bought a timer and pluged the lights into it. well, it will turn the lights off but not on. my lights have about a 1 second warmup before the lights will come on, is this causeing the problem? is there any way of fixing it. my wife is due to deliver anytime(i'm at work so i can think about other things for a few minutes) so the light up grade has to wait a few months
thank rick


Hey Fire....
If you bought a digital timer, return it....
I had one and it crapped out on me...I now have
an "INGRAHAM" brand timer from Walmart...
they work great and are cheap in price...$6-7 bucks...
have it quite a while and works great....
Also, Congratulations on your soon-to-be new baby,
Best of Luck to you and your wife....!!!