Tiny Picasso Trigger


Hey All
So, I was at my LFS today and saw what is quite possibly the smallest trigger I have ever seen! It was a Picasso Trigger and it was less than 0.5 inches long! I mean, it was smaller than a quarter!
Anyone ever seen such a small trigger at a fish store?
I was thinking of buying it and raising it in my 90 gallon and transferring it to my planned larger tank in a year or so, do you think a fish this small will be ok in captivity?


Ive seen them this small before at my lfs. Me personally have stayed away from them. From what ive read, the smaller they are, the less hardy.


Originally Posted by RyanT
Ive seen them this small before at my lfs. Me personally have stayed away from them. From what ive read, the smaller they are, the less hardy.
That is what I was worried about... You could literally lay this little guy out on a quarter and he wouldn't go over the edges. Amazingly small.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I bought one that big. They are fine if you can feed him 5 times a day. I fed mine that much and he grew like a weed.,


when i got my huma huma trigger it was that small and he did fine in my 285g the key is making sure that the other fish do not pick on him if he is relatively alone he should do fine