Tiny Starfish on LR

Hello all. I recently got back into this hobby after a pretty long hiatus (used to have a few FO aggressive tanks). I have a 75 gallon set up in my office, w/ "live" sand. I set the tank up in late Feb. and am cycling the old fashioned way. I have a couple snails, a couple small hermits (all of which appear to be thriving) and a bunch of live rock. A couple weeks ago, I noticed one small (half the size of a dime) starfish and today have noticed another. Is there something I should be feeding these guys, who I assume hitched a ride on some live rock? I think my water quality is OK, but I can't confirm it because I've finally figured out that the test kit I purchased has old chemicals--no matter what I test (spring water, treated distilled water, tank water, etc.), ammonia levels always read the same. For this reason, I've been letting the tank continue to cycle without adding any fish or other critters. SG is a littile low, at 1.021. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


when cycling with the lr i added some cheap flake food. some of the critters in the lr will eat it. most of the small stars are scavageners and might like some extra food. also this will help feed the pods and worms also.
From what i have learned if it is little starfish and each of their legs are not the same length....it is a pest. I forgot what the name is but it could be a really pain in the --- for reef tanks because it eat corals. If these starfish are like what i described then i suggest that u buy some clown shrimp and eat it all up...because for wut have i kno it is a pest.


Do a search on the starfish on this site. There was a discussion with a link to Garf about predatory starfish. They eat corals. There are pictures for identifying them.