tiny, white circles


hi...posted thread in newbie section...just one response...need help identifying: tiny, white raised practically closed circles about the size of a sugar granule...was told by my only respondent it could be spiro???something, and is beneficial...is it a bacteria or what...any help will be appreciated...:notsure:


:help: o.k. I know someone out there knows what these tiny white circles are, or maybe I'm not describing it well enough? Size of a sugar granule, raised and almost perfectly closed circle, on live rock and snail shells....please, anyone:help:


Active Member
Sounds like spirorbidae worms to me, They will get bigger then sugar granules (to about the size of the hole in this "a"). It does not sound harmful.
Do a search for spirorbidae, there are some pictures on the boards and you can compare to what you are seeing.


Active Member
Here's a picture of a corner of my tank (where I can't scrape them off). The out of focus white circles are all spirorbidae worms.
Another way to identify them; they are quite hard and pop off when you clean the glass. They are harmless filter feeders.

pet lover

:D :jumping: :happy: :cheer:
I am glad you use this site.
It is a Pleasure to have you on it and read about your opinions and experiences.
I want to say "Thank You" for sharing your knowledge with us.
I don't know where you find the time with doing Dr. stuff and all but you are appreciated!!!!!!!!
I have one question while I am here,
How long do you think it would be safe to wait before putting fish in a tank where an "unknown" disease ( looks like fungus)
has killed your fish and you have treated with various meds ?
Thanks again for your time............

pet lover

:D :jumping: :happy: :cheer:
I am glad you use this site.
It is a Pleasure to have you on it and read about your opinions and experiences.
I want to say "Thank You" for sharing your knowledge with us.
I don't know where you find the time with doing Dr. stuff and all but you are appreciated!!!!!!!!
I have one question while I am here,
How long do you think it would be safe to wait before putting fish in a tank where an "unknown" disease ( looks like fungus)
has killed your fish and you have treated with various meds ?
Thanks again for your time............


Active Member
Pet Lover,
I'm currently out of town traveling to a conference (my annual refresher course). I'm checking in on a friend's computer. Thanks for the compliment. I practice in a very small town. Much of the time I am surfing the boards while I am on call at our little hospital. Because it is a small town, I also don't know any local gurus so I have been learning just as much, if not more, from other people's posts to help keep my own tank going.
Fungus infections are very rare in saltwater aquaria. Most of the infections which look like fungus (cottony bread mold looking growths) are actually bacterial infections such as fin and tail rot. Improving water quality is a key issue with bacterial infections as you will never be able to sterilize a tank without killing off the beneficial bacteria needed for the cycle. For truly "unknown" infections, I have usually read to idle a tank for 1-2 months.
Many times a tank wipeout happens when a tank is still young after fish were added too quickly. Keeping it fishless for a month allows your water chemistries to stabilize. Not quarantining is the other major reason.

pet lover

Thank you for the reply. I hope your trip is interesting.
I am guilty of not using a quarantine tank. I have one now.
I am stupid and should have set one up before.

It all happened before I set up my UV and P.Skimmer, I hope it helps. I will leave it empty for a month and add a little more live rock and start off again w/ one in expensive fish.
I think maybe it was Velvet but will never know for sure. It started like Ick then looked like sand under the skin etc......
I have 2 fish left being treated now in the Q tank.
Thank you again for your time and have a good trip.
You can never know too much...............
I don't have a problem with learning (love it) just wish I could remember all that I learn : )
catch ya latter!