Tiny white critters on glass?


Just noticed little tiny wite critters scooting around on the inside of the glass.
They are real small like around the size of
a grain of sand.
Could this be snails that are just forming?
I had some squiggly lines on the glass a while back and it was determined that it was
snail eggs.

mr . salty

Active Member
These are copeapods(oop's spelling again). They are a good sign. Your tank is ALIVE. Take a look at this page ,it has a good article about "little white bugs" saltaquarium.about.com/pets/saltaquarium/mbody.htm I wish I knew how to highlight that so you could click on it. Do it the hard way STEVE


it is a good thing to have.... means your tank is cycleing good and can keep things alive.... coepods and fairy shrimp are usally the first things seen after you add live rock