Tiny white spot on new coral beauty??


New Member
Tiny white spot harmful???
I am new to the saltwater world and just recently got my 75 gal. tank cycled. I am now learning I should have done alot of reading and research first bt was over anxious. There has been 2 blue damsels and some crabs. I just added a nice Coral Beauty 3 days ago that was perfect. He now has a little tiny white spot on top of his back that was not there and his one eye looks a little puffy that I may not have noticed. My question is that are white little spots ALWAYS bad news or coud it be a temporary stress related thing. My saltwater fish book seems pretty vague. I dont wabt to add anything to the tank that might harm the other things. Like the new choco. chio starfish, shrimp and snails. and the one damsel is aggressive...should I get rid of him and do anything with the coral beauty? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


This could be several things from stress, ick or just a scratch. I would also be concerned with the damsels picking on the coral beauty. Many people use damsels to cycle their tanks and then remove then before adding other fish since damsels can be very aggressive. If it were me I would remove the damsels (personal preference) and start soaking the food in garlic for 30 minutes before feeding. This will help build up the coral beauty's immune system and hopefully help it from getting ick. If it is ick you will start to see many more white "salt" spots on him and you will see him breathing faster.


Many angels get a white spot or two when they are put into a new tank...I forget the name of it but I think it starts with an "L"
My Emperor had a spot or two for a few days and then it went away and he is doing great.


Active Member
Describe the white spot. Small salt like speck or more pronounced and clumpy?
One white speck/mark is not immediate cause for alarm. I'd be more concerned about the cloudy eye. What are your water parameters like? Is there LR in this tank? Adding a sensitive fish like an angel to a newly established system is not advisable. They do best in mature tanks. Have you seen aggression from the damsel fish? This is also a possibility. Post a bit more info. Do you have a quarantine tank available?


I don't know if this will help or not, but I had somewhat of a similar situation with my CB Angelfish. I got her from my LFS when she was a baby and she had two white spots on her. They told me it was calcium buildup and she would be OK. Well, whether or not that is correct, she never developed ick, but there was a white spot on one of her fins and she wasn't able to use her fin at all. I called it her bum fin. As she was getting bigger, her good fin was growing, but not her bum fin. MY LFS said to pull her out and treat with some OTC antibiotic. I tried that for a couple of days until I was tired of trying to catch her (although it was easy since she couldn't swim very fast with only one good fin). Then I put her in QT and treated her with MelaFix. Within two weeks, she was better than new! All spots were gone and she wasn't hiding anymore, either-and boy, what an appetite! She's been in my tank for almost a year and is quick to let any of her tankmates that get cross with her or another fish who the king fish is! She's doesn't put up with any fighting and quickly breaks it up and chases the agressor to the other side of the tank!
I don't know how bad I got off the topic or if the LFS advise was bad or not, but MelaFix fixed her up for me.