Tiny white worms


New Member
I have tiny white worm in my tank. I am not sure what are they. I need to change water and clean the tank, but I am pregnant and I am not sure if those worms are something I should be causious about. If anyone know, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I have reef only tank, 20 gal.
Thank you.


sounds like new tank syndrome...Do a search.It is normal and wont hurt anything.Do they stick to your glass and look like white dots?


New Member
My tank has been running for about 6 months, staff it growing and everything, and yes, they stick to the glass, those are nasty looking tiny creatures, I am concerned that those are some kind of parasites. I had one fish in there that died, so that could be some kind of connection.
Thank you very much


New Member
No, I have couple of those too, they live in the live rocks and those are pinkish color and they are bigger. These ones are really tiny tiny, you can barely see them and they stick to the glass closer to the light and the filter


did a search and this is what I found....
They are Spirorbid Worms.
Tiny white dots about the size of a pinhead can be found in reef tanks, overflow boxes , and sumps. They are Spirorbid Worms, which are filter feeders. It won't hurt to scrape them off if they obstuct your view, but they are harmless. Reef-safe


New Member
The once I have are not spiral worms. The ones I have are elongated.