Tips on eliminating sump/overflow noise


After some trial and error, I was able to quiet my sump and overflow box's down to a very quiet setup. I thought I might share them.
Overflow box's:
Standpipes. Veryeffective and easy to make. I even was able to make one for a duel 1" box.
Overflow box lids. Just a piece of plexi to cover the top of the box where the standpipe is.
These 2 things make the overflow box near silent.
Overflow drain to sump. By using 2 45 degree angles, I was able to direct the flow in a mannor which keep the air bubbles from "gurgleing". Kind of in an "S" shape where the bottom half is under water. (It does generate a little head preassure, but it is so well worth it).
In sump skimmer:
Drain lines are 1/2 pvc tubing that drain down side of sump just at water line, not below otherwise it will "gurgle" a little.
Return Pump vibration:
This was easy, I took an old shoe, cut the rubber sole off, cleaned it, cleand it again, and placed it under the pump.
Waterfall sound in the PVC junctions and corners.
This is the sound of the water flowing through the PVC.
I took an old pair of denim jeans and wrapped the junctions and corners twice with the denim. This worked like a charm. Of course it is only in the out of water areas.
With all of these improvments, I made my filtration system so quiet all I hear is sound of my fiencee snoring. Hmm, maybee I should take some off.......LOL
Hope this helps.
:D :D :D


Old shoes and blue jeans......hmmmm, maybe we need to put together a phamplet (don't ya just love that word) on "Hidden treasures for your reef at the local thrift store".
Wait that's a little long.... how about "Garage sale goodies for the home aquaria"... oh well, I'll work on it.
Nice tips Jester.... got any pics? Um, do I know this sump? ;)


I think you do know him. I dropped my camera in the sump 2 weeks ago, but maybe santa will bring a new one. Sorry no pics


Did Santa ever bring you that new camera ? I would love to see your Overflow drain to sump setup. I have some gurgling I am going to try to stop. Thanks for the tips !:D


No, but mine did dry out. The first is the best I can do at night. I had to turn it off sou you could see it but normally the water level is just above the power head.


This one is the bend out of the water. It is 2 45 degree street elbows. The flashlight is the main 2 inch line to the sump.


If its making a sucking noise I can't help but think that the hole is drilled too small ? What size did you drill yours ? How many gph is your pump ?


Hmmm, mine makes no noise what so ever. Im using a Mag Drive 950 but I did have a Mag 1200 and no hissing either. The only problem mine had with a smaller hole was that the water would start to siphon but I drilled it a tad bigger and no problem. You can also make an adjustable hole too. You can drill a hole through the side of the end cap and the tube itself. Then you can twist the end cap to get the desired hole size. Hope you figure something out. :-