Tips on gettinmg my Aquapod up and running


Active Member
Picked up a new Aquapod 12 and stand today for my new office! I can't wait to fill it up and get started and would appreciated any tips or advice on this tank. I have a 55gal reef tank at home and I will be transfering some of the sand and LR from my 55 into the 12gal new tank so the cycle time can be eliminated or minimized as much as possible.
From reading some of the threads on this board, it seems like only 1 or 2 small fish would be appropriate in this size tank, along with some of the corals I plan on fragging and transfering from my main tank. I expect to get it filled and running sometime next week and will start a diary once it's actually filled up and running.
I have one particular question on the tank-the specs on it talk about its "ultra efficient skimming filter" and would like to know should I still get a protein skimmer for this tank and if so what model would be a good one to get?


Active Member
sounds like you have a good plan. the sand and live rock from your tank is very good you will also want to use the water as well. with this small of a tank you wont need another skimmer. i have a ten gallon and i dont plan on ever having a skimmer. just do weekly water changes and keep up on your water parameters! i am going to have 3 fish in all for my tank. as long as you stay will small fish you can have about 3. gobys, small clowns ect.
hope to see pics soon!!


Active Member
also make sure you wait about a week and then check the water to make sure every thing is still at 0 and your pH is good!!


Active Member
Thanks Patrick. I will definatly be starting a diary once I get it up and running-It has been mocking me, just sitting in my living room, next to my 55.