Titan Trigger Pics


i dont have any but there is some on this forum look at older pages and you will see a post like (my titan)or(pic of my titan)ect.
I have two titan triggers. A 2" juv. and a 7". If you have any questions about them let me know. They are great fish. Grow really fast, so be prepared for a 300G tank if you get one and plan on keeping it.
thanks for the compliments on my titans. it will be interesting to see how big they get. i've been studying acrylic fabrication and hope to start building a large(900G) "z" shaped tank for my big titan. he has so much personality.


Active Member
900g would be kick a$$ !
I am getting creative w/acrylic, too. Actually, I am paying a guy to get creative with it. He's constructing the back for my 300g...to be a place for my eels to hang out so I can avoid a ton of live rock in the tank (so my ray won't get injured). Hard to explain. Would love to see that tank when you get it done.


thery both awesum, but the litle one looks like a pinaple trigger i think. but most juvy fish have differnet coloring than when they are adults


hey northern reefer....are you sure that first picture you posted isnt of a yellowface trigger??? or is it a juvenile titan>>