Titan VS Undulated Trigger!


I would say the undulated trigger. They are more aggressive than titans, and highly territorial. But out of all the triggers, the queen will win. Tough cookies! ;)


i have had the undulated trigger before and I would never have one again. they have to be the meanist of all triggers. Do not put anything with an undulated trigger if you want it to live.


I will re-state my opinion on this topic :
An adult titan would completely destroy an adult queen or an adult undulate trigger. If an adult titan can beat the crap out of a human (there are quite a few stories of these attacks on the 'net), then they can surely take out an undulate or queen. One full speed strike can knock a human being unconscious.
That's why I love this fish. :D
well t he titan trigger grows alot bigger
but i hav had undulated triggerstear apart a eel and my lionfish,but not all are the same i hav a 150 gallon with 4 triggers
huma huma
also i hav a big lion and a tomato clown and a snow flake eel and all is good there some chasing but not trying to eat each other


I understand what you're trying to say, but as far as aggression goes, the titan, queen, and undulate trigger in their adult size and disposition can pretty much destroy any other marine fish that people can keep. However, of those three, I would rank them this way in terms of aggression :
1. Titan
2. Undulate
3. Queen
Each fish has it's own personality, though. People have claimed to keep clown triggers in reef tanks for years with no ill effects, and to keep other aggressive fish in community tanks with no bad results. However, as a rule, I think the aggression chart would stand with those three in that ranking.
Has anyone ever done this experiment to see who would win out? It would be pretty expensive and cruel, but isn't that usually what scientific experimentation means? :)


New Member
I have a juvenile undulated trigger, I was going to get a juvenile lion fish to put with him. They will be in a 25 gallon for about 3 months then move to the 75 gallon.
How many people have had their lion fish killed by a trigger?
Should I not do this.


I know of a 12 inch queen that doesn't really know it's a trigger. In a huge reef tank with fish that should have been snacks years ago.
There is also a blue-lined at the LFS that you couldn't pay me enough to even think of keeping. This thing sticks it's head out of the water and snaps at you if you are near the tank.


Originally posted by Crissykat9:
<strong>I have a juvenile undulated trigger, I was going to get a juvenile lion fish to put with him. They will be in a 25 gallon for about 3 months then move to the 75 gallon.
How many people have had their lion fish killed by a trigger?
Should I not do this.
Don't do it. Even in the 75, the lion would be toast. Adult triggers even build up armor that resists a lion's spines, so no lion would stand a chance. An undulate would be just fine by itself in a 75, though. Get some nice rock work and you have a cool looking tank.
thats agood question where is the clowntrigger rate?
i hav a clown,undulate,niger and a huma huma
and the huma huma is the meaner of the triggers, than comes the undulated than the clown and than the niger, but the weird thing the huma hum and the undulated will face of at times but just tail slapping but than the clowntrigger passes by the undulated and the undulated backs away :D


I just had to add my two cents in. I have never really heard of the Titan trigger before, but I can say that my LFS had an undulated trigger in a tank that they had just gotten in and within a half hour, several of the fish in the tank (including a 5" sunset wrasse) were missing both of their eyes! They immediatley took the trigger out. I have a clown trigger, and have had him for three years, the bigger he gets, the more aggressive he gets! I think the bottom line is all triggers have the nature to be aggressive, and you have to respect them individually.


I have no answer for you, but if your ever in Houston TX, a LFS has a 300gal w/ a full sized adult titan trigger in it and i have never seen a bigger, uglier, toothed fish in my life. Lots of personality in the eyes. I can see if these guys ever rammed you you'd be toast, never mind try to chew you up.