Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I am sharing my experiances with others out there! I am not new at this.
The pair that I just got were established in their tank as male/female I assume and the two that I already have accepted them without issues. Not even my "female" has been accepting of them
I respect that. That's what these forums are for. As we share experiences our hobby grows. That said, making the title of a thread "to all the doubters" is hardly a neutral or friendly "sharing your experience" kind of post.
In the wild Clowns can often be found in small groups, with one dominant female and one breeding male. The rest are considered juveniles as they are not breeding.
In an aquarium there is usually not enough room for this kind of behavior to work properly. As a pair gets ready to mate they get more territorial and usually will drive off everything that gets close to their nest (including snails, starfish, aquarists' hands, etc). If the tank is not big enough for the clowns to drive the other fish away to their satisfaction they can kill them.
It's simply a matter of territory. The mated pair will want to protect their nest and drive away any threats. This behavior is often compounded by mixing species.
Not trying to be rude, please don't read it that way. If you have had success with this seriously well done. Most times, however, this will not work.