to all the doubters.....

I have had 2 false pers in my tank for about a month now and I just purchased 2 more from someone tearing down their tank. Well I introduced the 2 newbies and they all are getting along fine and swim as a group of 4! I know there is a bit of contraversy over this issue but I have NEVER had a problem mixing clowns.....I am even getting 4 b&w's to add when they are big enuf but if for some reason the orange guys don't accept them, they will obviously returned to their previous tank. But like I have said many times, I have never had any problems


Active Member
They will get along fine as juveniles , but when they become adults and pair off there will be problems .


One month is the honeymoon period, over time they will pair up and establish territories, then you will have issues. It could take a few months, a few weeks, maybe even a year but dominance issues will happen.


Active Member
technically depending on if they are all the same species, they may never fight once the dominant female and the breeding male form up. the other two will stay there as nonbreeders, with their sexorgans undeveloped until the male or the female dies
EDIT: as for the success story--nothing is considered successful if only for a few months. true success is years, not days or months. the orange will fight the black and whites when introduced


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
But, it could also go terribly wrong at any moment.

actually, no i doubt it. it's what happens out in the wild. new males are introduced all the time, or go off on their own if they don't like the prospects of their chances of breeding. as long as the second pair of clowns have yet to mature (or the first pair) and they are the same species, there really should be no problems.
I have done this before and never had any problems, Like I have said in other posts, I had my 3 b&w's for a year before adding 2 ADULT o&w's....NEVER had a problem in 3 years. Then I lost them when my tank crashed after my filter quit.....anyway I even had a GSM in with my 2o&w's without ANY problems.
No I do NOT plan on haveing 8 clown in a 75 the tank will be upgraded by the time I introduce the B&W's and if it does look like there will be trouble, I will remove them.
And just one last FYI, all the clowns ARE adults not juvies


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
...And just one last FYI, all the clowns ARE adults not juvies
That makes no sense, but anyway.
If you've found the magical pill that somehow removes a Clownfish's nature to pair up and aggressively defend it's territory, congratulations.
For everyone else reading this thread, don't expect the same success.
It might not make sense to you but someone posted they will get along while they are juvies but it is when they become adults is when I will have a problem.
You are being RUDE!
I have been doing this for YEARS with A LOT of success so I am just sharing my LUCK with MY clowns! If you do not like what I have to say and share with others........PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS POST


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
It might not make sense to you but someone posted they will get along while they are juvies but it is when they become adults is when I will have a problem.
You are being RUDE!
I have been doing this for YEARS with A LOT of success so I am just sharing my LUCK with MY clowns! If you do not like what I have to say and share with others........PLEASE DO NOT RESPONS TO THIS POST
NY, I'm not being rude at all. I'm addressing the title of this thread which says "To all the doubters". I don't want further readers to come along and see this thread as the end all to the discussion. You are posting something that goes against what many of us have seen first hand.
If you are purchasing adult clowns what are the sexes of them?
I am sharing my experiances with others out there! I am not new at this.
The pair that I just got were established in their tank as male/female I assume and the two that I already have accepted them without issues. Not even my "female" has been accepting of them


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I am sharing my experiances with others out there! I am not new at this.
The pair that I just got were established in their tank as male/female I assume and the two that I already have accepted them without issues. Not even my "female" has been accepting of them
I respect that. That's what these forums are for. As we share experiences our hobby grows. That said, making the title of a thread "to all the doubters" is hardly a neutral or friendly "sharing your experience" kind of post.
In the wild Clowns can often be found in small groups, with one dominant female and one breeding male. The rest are considered juveniles as they are not breeding.
In an aquarium there is usually not enough room for this kind of behavior to work properly. As a pair gets ready to mate they get more territorial and usually will drive off everything that gets close to their nest (including snails, starfish, aquarists' hands, etc). If the tank is not big enough for the clowns to drive the other fish away to their satisfaction they can kill them.
It's simply a matter of territory. The mated pair will want to protect their nest and drive away any threats. This behavior is often compounded by mixing species.
Not trying to be rude, please don't read it that way. If you have had success with this seriously well done. Most times, however, this will not work.
IMO when this topic comes up everyone gets all upset and sceams no don't even try it to whoever it is that post. There are too many people who dout that it can be done successfully so I am just letting everyone know that yes it can be done.
If there is ever any sign of aggression I have 3 other tanks to be able to move them to. My B&W's will be in my 44 till they get bigger then we will see where it goes. If I can "get away" with having them all together like I have in the past, so be it, job well done and claps to me and if not, I will make sure that all our fish are safe and happy.
So my title to my post is not being snotty, just saying to whoever had a doubt, to maybe rethink or try again
And the clowns are the only fish in my tanks so there shouldn't be too much of a territorial issue at this point
I am not 100% sure! I ordered on onlin and purchased the other from a lfs. It is funny b/c the "pairs" are about the same my original "female" is the same size as the new one and the "male" is the same size as the new guy! So ur guess is as good as mine.
I do however know that the b&w's are about 6 months old.......they will be here in the next few weeks i think


Active Member
usually by age, it's meant how long people have had them. so, my female perc is 1.3 years old, but my baby perc is only about 6 months (the original died) and is just now starting to do the body shakes. i think the female has been goading him on to develop a little faster (darn child lover) than he could since they have yet to produce eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
There are too many people who dout that it can be done successfully so I am just letting everyone know that yes it can be done.
How long have you "been doing it?" It goes against everything I've read and you are pretty much saying the same thing as you realize most are "doubters." I don't believe everything I read and it may work out for you but if it doesn't you are lucky enough to have several tanks should the situation turn bad. I honestly don't know if it will work and I thank you for your science project. Hopefully you will continue to report your findings. Most people on here that "go against the grain" are never to be heard from again. Unfortunately there are a lot of lurkers and members that may decide to take the advice from people such as yourself and don't have the luxury of having a back up and the fish die. Good luck to you. I hope it works out.
I have been doing this sucessfully for 6 years now actually.
I may be "going against the grain" but if I drop off from posting it is be b/c I have 3 kids one of which is only 6 months old and I run an Allstate office not b/c I was "wrong"
I appreciate you wishing me luck and will asure you all fish will be taken care of, even if it is in seperate tanks