To catch an angel...


How the heck do you catch a coral beauty angelfish in a reef tank with piles of rocks for it to hide in? I have another tank set up for it, but the little bugger is too fast! It was a fish only, and I recently upgraded my lighting for a reef, but the angel can't stay, he's already nipping at stuff, and I think he took a big bite out of my blue linkia. I already moved the trigger, he was easy, just reach in and he goes in his rock and I pulled the whole thing out. But this angel is REALLY TICKING ME OFF! Anyone who has any suggestions is welcome to respond....HELP! :mad:


Active Member
make sure u use a barbless hook and some fishing line ,tie a good knot so the hook doesnt come off after it bites ,put a piece of food on it .the mark will heal in a couple weeks


Hmmm...I don't have a barbless hook, I don't fish, and that sounds kinda' harsh. Is that the only way to catch them? Don't you have any homemade fish trap ideas or anything?


Active Member
thats not the only waay im sure but the fastest, i dont know how else to do it but trying to net it sorry


Thanks anyway, guess I'll try the hook thing later after I go to the store. Do I really need to get it out? Is it possible that the angel bit the starfish or is it more likely to be the purple flame lobster? He might be easier to catch.


Dang! Maybe I'll tell the lfs guy to come over and if he can catch it he can have it! (the angel)
But only if I can watch... ***)


Try not feeding it for 2 days then get a large jar, just large enough for the fish to fit inside. Lower the jar down inside the tank then place some food you usually feed it inside. Then wait there obove the tank with your net for him to enter and then wham you swing the net down in front of the jar and you have
yourself a fish!!!!!!! Any other questions or that does not work hit me up in the future.


Active Member
heres what one of my lfs did to catch a flame angel: they put another one in the tank (still in the bag!) and since similar angels will fight, the one that was in the tank went right over to the one that was in the bag and the guy was able to catch him easily. just a suggestion
. i had to take apart half of my reef to get mine