To clown or not to clown??


Hi. I have a question. I have a false perk clown. I have had him for about 5mo. I would like to get another one but I am afraid they would fight and not pair up. Do you think I could get another one and if so should I try to find one of the same size or does it matter? Thank you for your help.


Thanks . I have a 75 with only the clown and 4 stripe damsel. I was hoping he would be lonely and want a friend?


Active Member
I had a flase perc clown for about two months and added another one that was almost exactly the same size. They have been fine.


I'm in the exact same situation as you (same size clown even!) except my clown (occ.) has been in my tank since late august.


Active Member
well, most likely theyre gonna fight some to establish dominance whether or not you get a smaller clown or not....they may be dominant in the tank you take them from...and when clownfish are moved, it still may get all testy again and fight....but theyll get sued to each other hopefully...maybe move the rocks around some.

nemo's mom

I had a tiny perc and added one about an inch bigger and they were fine!! My LFS told me if I added one to be sure it was bigger than the one I had in case the older one was territorial....I had no problems...


Thank you all. I got a clown about 1" smaller than mine. He is in Qt now. I will let everyone know how he does when I put him in the tank. A good reference for people in the future.