to get a bigger tank or not get a bigger tank...tis the question


my SW tank atm is a 20G. at the LFS they have a very nice curved glass 41G tank and stand combo with a fluvalv 205(i think) filter system and some other goodies for 599.99. i dont have the money for this now or anytime soon, but if i were to save up that much, does this sound like a good deal? and would the fish appretiate being moved to a new, bigger tank or would the move be too strenious?

thanks for the input and i may have a picture of this setup sometime today or tomorrow for refrence.

noah's nemo

Go as BIG as you can.I went from a 75 to a 125(wish i started 125),the fish will be fine if you move them.Also if money is a problem,look at CL.I got my brand new 125 for 125 bucks!


Active Member
Moving healthy fish, carefully, is no big deal. Bigger is always better; a 20 gal has very little room for error. Check Craigs List.


i did hear bigger is always better but in my room, the way the 41 gallon tank is shaped, it would JUST fit in my room (not actually done measurements but will tonight or tomorrow). of course, about 70% of the stuff i heard before i started coming to this message board was complete fooey.
ok, lets say i did buy the 41 gallon setup. would i leave it cycle with just live sand/rocks for a while or move everything over when i get it?


BIGGER. Seriously, we have now bought 3 tanks off of CL for 1/4 of the price + some goodies thrown in. You have to be a little patient and watch everyday to get the best deals. It doesn't sound like you are in a huge hurry anyway. Your hawkfish would love it!


well i just did the math and the 41G setup at the LFS is 640.49 with tax figured in. i looked on CL and they have 30 G tanks for 40 i think. but like u said, im not in a huge hurry. will probly be in spring.


Just keep watching because things go quick on craigslist. Someone tonight had a mated pair of tomato clowns for free and he told me he had 12+ replies in less than an hour! I've seen alot of people state they get live rock on CL also. I've been watching for months and only seen it in our area one time, it was gone in an hour too.
It took us about a month to find the right aquariums on CL, but it was worth the time. I'd rather spend the money on other things.


Guess I wasn't done....
$, we got our 120 gal tank, stand, 2 new Koralia powerheads, 100lbs agronite, several pounds of base rock and live rock, and made a wet/dry with new pumps and overflow kit for less than that! Our tank also came with 2 cannister filters, drift wood, gravel, and lots of plants. Obviously I'm not using them in the SW tank, but my kids and hubbie have fresh water tanks and had a great time with all the stuff and I am going to sell the cannister filters on CL. New is nice, but honestly with a couple of hours cleaning, the tank looked new. My daughter also got a 30gal high with a nice stand and it included everything to start the tank for $70. I love CL, we have bought a ton of stuff on it.


CL for the heavy stuff and yabe for all the light stuff you really cant go wrong. You will catch me dead if I pay retail for just about anything. Especially in a bad economy stretch those dollars, the good new is, you can and its easy as pie. You can even get lucky on the FREE section of CL every now and again, just be patient know what you want and grab it when it comes along....and it will.
For 350 dollars my wife bought my tank as a xmas gift last year. 125gal tank reef ready drilled with a beautiful black cabinet stand.