To KILL or NOT to KILL (see pic)


Active Member
You need to kill it. Squirt the mouth with joes juice OR squirt boling water on it to kill it.


KILLLLLLLLLL IT its Aptsia (SP?) they will spread quickly and sting your corals.. Get um w/ boiling water then they should detach and float around.. Try to net it just in case it isnt totally dead it may reattach.. OR peppermint shrimp eat them.. I got 2 peppermint shrimp and w/in a week or two... ALL GONE!


Well honestly its up to you.. but they will evenutally litterally COVER your LR.. You may as well take them out.


New Member
Do I need to do any water changes if I were to use Joes Juice? Will boiling water or joes juice hurt my fish, snails, eel, crab?


Active Member
You inject the jiuce with a syringe, comes with the Joes juice. will not hurt the fish or you could add a fish that will eat them, some butterflies and angles eat them


Don't do like me.... lay the piece of LR in the sink and plung boiling water on the spot using a turkey baister. Turned half my rock GREEN!


I used Lemon Juice and a Syringe. It did the trick just fine...
I injected the Lemon Juice directly into the Stalk of the Aptisia and it was gone within a day. Just make sure you only use a little bit of juice. Doesn’t take much...
P.S. I bought the Syringe from the

for $0.50 and the Juice was $4.99... (I just told the Pharmacist that it was to treat an infection in my Salt Water Tank...)

sinner's girl

They love bad water. So if you see them mulipling, check your water quality. I liked them. Didn't hurt anything. I let the ones live that came on some lr, then we bought ten pepermint shrimps as part of a package from here, bye bye creatures! all were gone within a few days.


Active Member
Have personally seen Joes Juice used, the guy just put the syrenge next to it and gave it a little squirt. It killed em instantly.


Active Member
I just use Joe's juice to eliminate them. It works well.... Until I got my peppermint shrimp, then they're all gone....Got a new tank setup now with LR, a ton of Majano and Aiptasia,,,,been treating with joe's juice when I have the chance.... :happyfish


Active Member
I have found Joe's Juice to work very well also. I would definitely get rid of it. They will begin to look very unattractive and will be all over your rock.