to moderaters


i know that awhile back you said that this board is about the "saltwater hobby" and the users of this board should refain from other subjects if possible. i have read many post that get a HUGE response that have NOTHING to do with this hobby. thats not what frustrates me though, it's when someone like myself asks a legitimate question and can't get a response let alone an answer, maybe someone can give me a different board to go to where they talk about "the hobby and it's problems" seeing though i'm sure to be black balled after writing this letter, not that i don't feel that way already. :mad:
I'm sorry your question didn't get answered. Many times, folks are busy and don't get a chance to check out the whole BB. I didn't see your question, but if you repost it maybe I or someone can help you resolve your problem. I think frequently people do see posts but since they do not know the answer to help, they leave it for someone who has had experience with the problem at hand and therefore does know the answer. There are people who post here with years of experience in the hobby and others who are just starting out and then the majority (like myself) that fall somewhere in-between.
I think that we all mainly stick to the subject, but sometimes someone will post an OT subject that is just plain fun and helps to lighten the soul a little bit. No harm intended.
Please repost your question.......


Active Member
Hey randoloh
Don't feel bad - it happens now and then.
People chime in a lot on the off topic threads because it's easy, sometimes fun and they enjoy sharing their lives with other members.
For hobby related concerns, sometimes ..... when we ask a question or a need opinions, it may take some time for a people to respond.
Sometimes the question doesn't interest them.
Sometimes they may not have the answer.
Sometimes they've never experienced the same problem, and they hesitate to give poor advise.
I don't think it's an intentional thing .. just a matter of timing.
If you don't get a reply .. you may want to "bump" your thread up to the top to make it visible to others ..... other folks that didn't get a chance to read it the first time you posted.
I think that happens a lot - and many times a simple bump will get you some more responses.
What Q did you have that you still want some advise on ?


Active Member
Hey Randolph - I just pulled up a search on yoru name and I found two items that were never responded to.
One was a cowrie and trigger together - in the reef section (would try the agressive or fish discussion thread) and the other you bumped once.
I have been to other boards (they are easy to find) but they are not nearly as helpful nor well traveled.
If you would like a bit of advice - I'd suggest bumping an item a few times then re-asking the question in a different way. Also - try to find the right forum - like the question on copper and the puffer - should be in the disease forum....
You get out of life what you put into it!
Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi buddy,
Yes the OT thing has been debated many a time. I was initially not against it, but a bit sceptical of its purpose. Now however, I see its light relief, more often or not fascinating and most of the time mildly connected to the hobby.
I know when I find spare time on the board I initially look at topics i have expertise on and that I maybe able to help with. Posts on things like lighting, polyps and DSB have plenty of people who know their stuff. Other more specialist items, obviously, have less people who know so you will have to be patient.
Sorry you havent had the experience here you expected but I am sure you will if you are a little patient. Where else can you find 10,000 people across the world united to discuss this?
All the best,


Active Member
i agrre with compliance. this is a very good site but there is another one out there with double the traffic, features,members. I think its initials are "XX";) This is a very good board but I post ?'s on variouys boards to get that many more responses and input.
That reference is not allowed!
I think we all know about other sites. I also think if somebody wants to find another site they would be able to locate one without you leading the way!


Active Member
well im very sorry if this board isnt up to your standards and you arent getting the answers you WANT so quickly.
May I remind you we give up our own free time to help people for our love of the hobby.


Active Member
thank you kipass, my sentiments exactly. I am not putting down this board. If I didn't like it I wouldnt have 350 posts. I was just saying there are other options out there and the more answers I can get to my questions the better decision/input I can get.


Active Member
OK sorry Kipass :)
Perhaps that was a knee-jerk reaction. I just am very grateful to this board for everything it has enabled me to do and get slightly offended to hear ill of it.
I take it all back :cool:


YOU CANT COMPLAIN ABOUT RESPONSE TIME ON THIS BOARD. NOT AT ALL. ON THE KOI FORUMS IT TAKES AT LEAST TWO TO THREE DAYS BEFORE SOMEONE EVEN LOOKS AT THE POST. I have visited the other boards small and large and I like the best because it is not too small thta no one responds and it is not too big in that you never see the same person twice. Yes I love the "community" feeling at this board very much. I could name about a 100 users here just off hand at random and over time you can really see everyone's personality.


Active Member
oh also I have never heard of this other forum and I have never been to another one, purely on the premise that this board tells me everything I need to know :D rocks!


Active Member
I appologize for your feeling neglected, it is purely unintentional. I am sure
But as mentioned by broomer and the other members, sometimes we just don;t know the reason or answer
As mods, we spend a lot of time policing and looking for problems, often times questions may go unanaswered. I knwo, when I come on, I first check in, then look to see what is going on. then, I will skim through alot of posts looking for unanswered questions or ones and see if I can help, If not, i will generally wait and see if someone else may get to it. Than, I look through looking for problems or potential problems, Which YES does include deleting certain content. There is no censorship here, but the rules are simple and should be followed. Although some do not post thinking they are offensive or violating rules, it does happen.
the rules are:
no flaming
no soliciting
no uncooth behavior
and no advertising other online stores or bb's
now, we are somewhat lax on some things, maybe a bb linked was to a specialty site for a reason(sometimes it will be left to slide, but not often), or same with a store PROVIDING that store does not compete with And or if a store looks to be like they are advertising(even if not competition), using this webspace for free ads.
Now, let us remember, this is a free site sponsored by, if for no other reason than pure respect for our sponsors, we should be able to follow these rules, without them even being rules. With that said, most posts do not get deleted or edited unless one of these things occur, Sometimes we will also delete whole threads, if it appears that one of these threads or posts is going in that direction, BUT they are generaly monitored for a bit first and then if posts start showing signs then get deleted.
Like I said though, even if they were not rules, why would we not be able to offer these out of pure respect, it is their house, which they allow us to use. Would you go to your brothers house(who owns an extravagant restaruant), hold a meeting about cuisine and tell all his guests to go to olive garden instead, or post a sign outside his house saying, look at red lobster, before stopping here?
With that said, I think the very little bit of censorship as you call it is more than reasonable. But, we would rather refer to it as just enforcing the rules, rules which we all agree to upon joining, rules which IMO are very fair, rules that IMO should not have to be enforced to start with.


Active Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
I like this board... i like that it is a bit smaller... i feel more a part of the community this way... maybe kinda like a family....

1. I agree with kip. I can name almost everyones specialty off the top of my head. I can also tell you who has kids, wifes dogs cats. Not for everybody but a lot. Knowing the source of information makes you trust the information a little more 2. On most boards if you posted this you would get "sorry if you don't like it find something else" Look how many members stepped up to defend this board. Says something about the good job the moderators and patrons are doing in my book. I hope you stick around randolph you have a lot of people with good specialties here, from 900gallon refugiums, 1700gallon shark tanks, Several coral propogators, some cabinet makers, a few acylic manufacturers, and thousands of DIY'ers Beatiful Reef keepers, Disease, and aggressive specialists, and Bo is one of the best sources for information on Venomous animals I've ever talked to. Just my .02 hope I did not sound soap boxish.


Active Member

Originally posted by cboyfan2020
i am still amazed at Bang Guy's 900g refugium for his 135g tank:eek:

If I move back to Kansas I plan on doing the same. I want a huge fuge. Imagine the water stability, the bug diversity, tons of macro:D midnight skinny dipping with giant queen conches:eek: (just kidding about the last part)


Active Member
where from in kansas bronco? I am in wichita. Maybe we could get an above ground pool and use it as a refuge for a 200g tank.:eek: