To mods- can we get a sticky here?


Just a suggestion, but it would be nice to have a sticky thread at the top of this forum about tips for photographing our aquariums. Some people have posted great and clear photographs of their aquariums. Many others (myself included) can take 100 photos and have maybe a half dozen turn out "decent", but still not good. I have used film and digital with poor results. My best photos are on film, but only distance shots. I can't get a closeup pic to turn out looking good at all.
An "Aquarium Photography- Tips and Tricks" thread stickied to the top of this forum would be fantastic for many of us who have failed to get even a single photo that is worthy of sharing.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Boy do I second that. I can't take a good picture to save my life. We need lots of tips


That is an informative link RN, but the majority of it is information about how to post pictures or add a custom avatar.
A sticky is needed here at the top of this forum (topic, if you prefer) that ONLY deals with taking quality photographs of aquariums.
Having to *search* for anything isn't a user friendly option. It is a simple request that is obviously needed AND has a simple solution.


Active Member
3rd, 4th and 5th that idea! Speaking as someone who is marginal at best with the camera, we need something that maybe lets people know how others' photos were taken.


Active Member
nmreef has posted some nice tips for photographing tank pics....I don't remember if it is in the archive or just here and there in the threads, but you should be able to search them out.


Active Member
well as stated "you can take 100's but only a half dozen turn out"... that is how photography works... the best photographers burn roll upon roll of film... or fill up a memory card in no time looking for those few pix...
here are a few tips...
just like all other things in this hobby... patience is the key....
Clean your tank... make sure the glass is clean inside and out... when cleaning the outside (with whatever liquid you choose... vinegar works good), instead of using a cloth or paper towel use newspaper...
If using a flash... turn off the lights (including the tanks lights) and remove or cover up any bright colored items that are around the tank...
if using a flash with the lights on... take your pic at an angle...
If not using a flash... put your camera right up to the tank... this takes patience... and wait for your fish to pass by...
Try to take the pic with your rock in the back ground because most cameras are auto focus nowadays... the rock will give the camera something to focus on...
try several different settings if you are using a digital... try different times of the day and/or night... experiment cuz there really isnt a right or wrong way to take a pic... the only real rule is take many pictures and take em often...


Active Member
Originally Posted by djm
Many others (myself included) can take 100 photos and have maybe a half dozen turn out "decent", but still not good.
Take 1000, then pick out the half dozen good ones, not the decents. :)
I usually use a tripod with manual focus, manual exposure, ISO 400 or 200, and no flash. For macro shots I use both optical and digital zoom as well as moving the tripod forwards and backwards a few millimeters until I get a clear shot.


Originally Posted by ruaround
here are a few tips...
just like all other things in this hobby... patience is the key....
Those are all great tips, ruaround!
I still don't see why a sticky can't be made at the top of this forum for advice like that. Too many message boards take the time to make sticky's on how to post a pic, but none want to make one on how to TAKE a pic. I guess this may not be the first MB to take that initiative.
Reef keeping used to be trial and error back when I started in the hobby- either it lived and you succeeded, or it died and you were a failure. There was no in between.
Photography is different because a crappy photo doesn't kill anything.
I run an off-topic MB and I can't imagine having a forum where I didn't provide as much help as possible for anyone that isn't as obviously skilled as others that have posted WITHOUT having to search through archives.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Take 1000, then pick out the half dozen good ones, not the decents. :)
I usually use a tripod with manual focus, manual exposure, ISO 400 or 200, and no flash. For macro shots I use both optical and digital zoom as well as moving the tripod forwards and backwards a few millimeters until I get a clear shot.

Also great info! I prefer film to this day for aquarium photos. Digital has come a long way since my last 3 digital cams. A tripod is a MUST for any action photos using a digital camera. The delay that digital cams have is necessary to preserve battery life. The delay also make us miss many shots.
What does everyone use for lighting? Like Viper said- using a flash will only get you a reflection. My cameras have always been able to seemingly focus beyond the glass, until they were developed. What you see in a viewfinder is never what you get in aquarium photography.
It is a tough subject. I'm sure what works for one person won't ever work for another.


Active Member
Well, like in many other forums were there is an invert of the month, fish of the month, etc...
If someone writes it, then we can stick it. It is certainly a good idea, but does not mean that we can write it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Well, like in many other forums were there is an invert of the month, fish of the month, etc...
If someone writes it, then we can stick it. It is certainly a good idea, but does not mean that we can write it.

huh??? :notsure:


Active Member
Now and then in other forums, someone composes a info thread on, say, types of snails, and we will "stick" that. Celacanth has been particularly helpful with doing this
So if someone wants to write something about photography skills, that would be great! And we would go ahead and stick it.
People could contribute their own tips to that as well.
We could stick this one, because people contributed tips, but I think it would be "cleaner" if we did as suggested and called it something specific and only contributed tips to it.


Active Member
ahah... but i thought that was the point here... so are you sayin someone should start a new thread of photographry pointers???


Active Member
I think it would keep it on point.
Someone can start a thread with the name given...
And post actual tips in that. So we can keep it only to photography tips. This thread did kinda hit both, but I think just start with the informative thread name suggested and go from there.


Originally Posted by ruaround
ahah... but i thought that was the point here... so are you sayin someone should start a new thread of photographry pointers???

Exactly! And you had some great ideas in your post. You could just copy and paste what you wrote here in a new thread titled *Aquarium Photography Tips* or anything like that. the mods can make it a sticky and anyone can offer ideas on how they take quality photos from the other side of the glass.
It is a great way for those that are good at it to shine by sharing their knowledge. This board is dedicated to helping the novice by removing the "trial and error" approach to reef keeping. Why should photography be any different. I can take beautiful full-tank photos, but can't get a closeup pic worth a crap. I've burned up countless rolls of film in pursuit of ANY decent closeup shot.
ophiura is correct- I never meant for THIS thread to be stickied- it was just a suggestion. Someone has to start the thread for it to be stickied.


Active Member
djm -
I say you get the go ahead to start
.... I think actually how you started this post is a good way to go. Then we will just stick to actual tips from that point on!