To much Light ?


New Member
Is there such a thing as to much light for mushroom corals?
Where is the best placement for these ?


Active Member

Originally posted by queek
Is there such a thing as to much light for mushroom corals?
Where is the best placement for these ?

Yes there is a thing as too much light. Your corals will fold up and let you know it too :)
If thier polyps are coming out then I wouldnt worry about it.


Active Member
Also you'll find mushrooms in muddy murky lighting in the ocean so you can put them almost anywhere and they'll grow..


New Member
How many days would you wait till you think you should move them?. I have had mine in the tank for about 4 days and they are still all shrunkin up and dont look to happy. I have them under a rock ledge so they are not getting full lighting and the water flow is off of them as well.


Active Member
If they are shrunk up in a low light area I would test for ammonia/nitrates. Make sure that they are getting at least SOME light. Try moving them to a slightly more lit area... give a couple days or so between moves. Shrooms are pretty hardy so you shouldn't kill them too easily. :D


New Member
NH3/NH4+ - 0, NO2- 0, NO3- 0, Ph - 8.2, SG - 1.023 Temp 77, Ca 440, KH- 9dh
These are all good numbers so I dont think its the water. Maybe need to get them to more light and keep an eye on them.
Thanks for the help guys, great board to be a part of. Dont see to many flames and trolls here so makes me feel better about the advice given here.


Active Member
Any time! My rics are kinda picky, I have way more light than the LFS had on the tank they came out of, I'm keeping them pretty shaded but not really in the shade if that makes any sense. :D