to quarantine or not...that is the question??


Ok so here is the current situation. The yellow tang had a major outbreak of ich about 7 days ago. Currently there are no noticeable signs of ich. The yellow tang is eating great and seems healthy and it seems the tang has stopped scratching as much as before but does periodically. I have a saddleback clown that shows no signs of ich. I have a large banded goby that has a small cottony ball on one of its front fins. The goby is very healthy and is eating as it always has. I have set up a quarantine tank with all that is listed in the DIY post on hyposalinization. However, I am reluctant to put them under unnecessary stress if I dont need to. I have many inverts and corals and cannot medicate the tank.
Should I go through with the hyposalinity method because of the earlier outbreak, knowing the ich is in various stages?
Have the fish regained their immune system and naturally fought it?
If you suggest I go ahead and quarantine should I quarantine all 3 fish i have?
Today here are the stats:
Salinity = 30.5
Spec. Grav. = 1.0225
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 160 + ( I have battled Nitrates since day one)
Temp = 82.0
Ph = 8.3


Staff member
Please read my post on ich in the FAQ Thread located at the top of this forum. The answer is there.


as always thanks Beth. I reread it have read it about 5 times now. I think i have it now. I have gone ahead and put them in quarantine and will proceed as your post indicated...thanks so mcuh i will post updates on progress