to r/o or not to r/o


New Member
hello reefers.
my local reef store states that our local tap water is used by many and he does not feel that i really need an r/o. this fella has an incredible store and WOW is his tanks clean. one thing he said about our water quality is that it is hard water and that reefs like hard water. if i use a r/o will it soften the water and then i have to make it hard?


Welcome to the hobby :)
If it were me I would use RO or RO/Di water. Remember the LFS has employees who will clean the tanks, they have all the water changes ready, salt on hand..everything. Its bad buisness to have dirty tanks and an LFS (should) keep them clean. It may be that your city water is ok, I would take a sample myse;f and test it with your test kits at home if you can. Many will need to condition tap water, with RO you do not, RO is no doubt safer but it will be up to you in the long run.
Boy could we talk. Tried for years to get into MDOC. Have a brother in now several cousins. I scored well and took all the tests, PT included. Last letter I got a couple of years ago said quit calling an writing letters, your in the pool. Havent heard from them since. :( I gave up on them. You have an thankless job, take care and watch your back.


New Member
switch to the RODI water. In the long run you will be glad you did. In the future you will run into small problems along the way(don't worry, you will) and you will always wonder in the back of your mind if it is due to not using good water. Make the switch so you can eliminate your water source as a potential problem and give yourself some piece of mind. Remember, this hobby is all about the water quality, so leave nothing to chance.


Active Member
Officer Ric V - welcome to the board!!!
I would suggest RO water as well - you will get little items pop up or big nasty ones like red slime ......


New Member
I will then use a ro/di. i am looking at the typhoon III. Til I can afford it, will i be safe to use a walmart brand distilled water? I am planning to cycle the rock this weekend.


Active Member

Originally posted by officerricv
I will then use a ro/di. i am looking at the typhoon III. Til I can afford it, will i be safe to use a walmart brand distilled water? I am planning to cycle the rock this weekend.

I bought a 5 gallon container and use the refill water @ the local gorcery store - it is even cheaper then the wal-mart water


New Member
using purchased distilled water is smarter than using tap until you can afford to purchase your ro/di unit. Good Luck!