To Splash and all other shark lovers...


Awesome video! Did I see that right??? That guy lived through 2 shark attacks at once??? I didn't know that sharks will team up on their "prey" like that... :D


Ive seen that before!! That was just unreal!!!! here is how much of a shark freak I am.... this is a bedroom in my house my wife "let me have"!!!!! :) (no I did not kill the shark in the picture.. it was washed on shore where I was diving)


Active Member
I had a feeling you might have seen that before :) . I bet you've seen every episode of sharkweek 5 times too. Do you know if they have shark week on DVD? Bo


Active Member
That is one of the nicest rooms in any house I've seen. What sparked your interest in sharks? Did it begin as a kid? Give us the story.....Bo


Thank you! I lived in stuart/jensen Beach, florida for most of my life (just above west palm beach) it probably started when I began to surf in the first or second grade and saw them in the was just an awesome site....on days when it was flat (which was most of the time lol!) my buddies and I use to snorkel a nice little rock/ worm reef called "bathtub reef" and see bull sharks and nurse sharks... for some reason I never had a fear of them....I know this sounds corny, but they are just beautiful animals. :)


Active Member
I hear you man, they are awesome. I've caught my fare share of them while fishing, all released healty too :) . While on vacation, sitting up on the 18th floor balcony, those bathers in the water would probably freak out if they knew there were sharks swimming with them. I've never had the slightest fear of them. Most attacks occur at dawn and dusk which IMO is a dumb time to be swimming for obvious reasons. What's your favorite species? Shortfin makos and wobbegongs have always been my favorites with bulls being third. Bo


Active Member
I used to be terrified of the ocean. You just never knew what could be in that water with you. Probably from watching jaws at the theater at a pretty young age. Then I got into saltwater tanks. Next came diving. That was a huge step of getting over my fear of sharks. I did a lot of research, and realized that the risk is minimal. Just like bo said most attacks occurr at dusk/dawn, and mostly swimmers, snorklers, and surfers. I went night diving at the Catalina Islands last November, and played with some horn sharks. That was probably the coolest thing I've ever done.


Well, I'm gonna have to go with splash on this:D Black tip all the way!!!
You guys will probably get a laugh out of this...
When selecting the colors to paint/decorate my basement, guess what we chose?
Black, dark gray, light gray, and white.
Yes, that's right. Perfect match to the black tip:D
Thanks to my wife for the color coordination. I cant even dress myself!! LOL


Active Member
i wont go into the ocean becasue of sharks and jellyfish and the fact that i throw up if i get seawater in my mouth.


Wow that guy was lucky. Two sharks at once.Splash your room looks cool. I have a few shark fossils. My prize is Two Great White teeth I found in Greece.