? to the almighty squidd


You helped me earlier and talked about motion ocean 4-way.I like it,but might have to sell my body to afford it(which I will if I have to).I know the pros of having this but what is the cons of not having one,ie just have the pump exiting to 4 outlets without no wavemaking device?


Active Member
Please..I'm not the "Almighty"..there is only one who is and while I haven't seen him posting on the board here, I know he watchs our every move...

Anyhoo...A spray bar or multiple outlet "manifold" wil provide flow distribution to various areas of your tank...
It'll be in a linear fashion..(one direction)...as such it will set up a flow path and dead zones....no matter how many "holes" you put in...
I like a combination of linear AND alternating flow that "compliment" each other (purposeful flow) with out becoming "chaotic" (vibrating water that doesn't know "where" to go)...