To treat or not to treat (yet)



Hello again All :) . I am now at Day 12 in my "cycle" of my 50 gal tank. Everyone.. fish, hermits, snails... all seem fine. (40lbs Nature's Ocean, 20lbs cc sand, apx 25 lbs LR). I do small water changes often and monitor the chemicals. I *think* ammonia was zero or close to zero last night, but I want to confirm the results tonight.
Okay -- I set up the old 20 gal. (Aged salt water, Whisper Filter, Airstone & heater). I want to treat the Tang for ick. (If it is ick). I have Copper Safe, but have not added it to the tank yet b/c of the new carb in the Whisper. THE QUESTION IS... Should I wait and cycle the 20 gal., or just do frequent water changes? The water from the 50 gal. is not stable yet... so I don't think I should use it? I'm wondering though, if this is ick... if it will just continue to spread all over my 50 gal. if I don't get Francis (Purple Tang) outta there.
So, cycle and wait for both tanks to stabilize, or put Francis in the 20, with frequent water changes... which would reduce the bio load on the cycling 50?
Thanks for all your help. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Active Member
Sorry for your troubles - you put the tang in way too early. Take the water from your 55 gal and put it into the 20gal. replenish the 55 gal.
Take the tang from your big tank and move it to the 20gal. Feed all your fish garlic soaked food for about two weeks. Medicate yor tang the way BETH tells you to. I've used kick-ich, greenX and Aqua Cure. I like Aqua Cure (95% Formaldehyde) but not in your main tank.


Thanks for the advice. I spent several hours with books and at the lfs yesterday, and it appears (for now) that Frances probably does not have ick. More like a lateral line something or other that they suspect she got from a previous owner (or lfs) that did not feed her properly and/or kept her in bad water. I feed her Formula Two and she has good seaweed to graze all day. She may keep some scars, but with appropriate food and water quality... I think she will improve. I'll watch for spots before I think about treatment. THANKS!