to unleashed


Active Member
How do you like your magnificent foxface? I'm contemplating one that my lfs has. My question is regarding coloration. I've seen some that are very striking, however this one Im looking at is a bit drab. I noticed yours in the picture you posted in another thread. How large/old is yours? Has it intensified in coloration at all or pretty much remained the same? Also, does it eat valonia? I have a small case of bubble algae and one of the main reasons I'm considering this fish is for it's reputation as an algae eater.


Active Member
I love this fish I have had her for 2 yrs she is a little bigger than my hand roughly 5 1/2 inches give or take, kinda hard to measure through the glass lol. she has pretty much remained the same i purchased mine 2 weeks after it was introduced to my LFS he doesnt sell anything before this not accually sure what valonia is to tell you one way or the other but if its alge she will most likly eat it.she is concidered a caution species for reef tanks I house mine in an aggressive w/LR she gets along with everything so far she has been a hardy fish I hand feed her also very carefully she is venomous.I feed her veggie flakes 3-4 times daily and at nite i feed her emerald entees which is alge based with mysis shrimp and vitamins and periodicly cyclopeez.this is what she looks like when threatend or skeered when the light first come on in the morn she does this also then back to normal in a couple minutes


Active Member
then she will prolly eat it they graze constantly i feed mine so often because she can no longer graze do to puffer accident she has no bottom jaw now