To UV or not to UV!


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Im undecided on whether to get a UV or not. For everyone who says they dont there is just as many saying they do! I plan on having a reef but I cant see the problem If I feed it by hand.
Does it destroy corraline algae? I know it destroys problem algae but coraline?
I really just think it would help with disease control and is for the best of my fish and maybe my corals etc?
Looking forward to your opinions and help,


Active Member
And just a thought, could i put it on a timer to run every other day, or 12 hours on and off? And feed the corals when off?


Active Member
Hi Tim,
i think UV it's just another piece of equipment and couple of extra $$$ for electricy bill. It will not keep Ich at bay as it will kil only free floating parasites, that will pass through the UV tube. Most of parasites will settle on the substrate and rocks. If you want your system ick free, just follow the rules os fish acclimation, do not overstock your system, do not keep predatoty fish with non predatory. Keep at least couple of Cleaner shrimps. Well managed system will be stable in water parameters and won't cause shock to your livestock.
The only reason i see in keeping UV sterilizer is when you have few tanks conected to the same filteration system or connected between 'em. And i mean fish only systems.
This is just my oppinion.


Active Member
this is just my oppinion on having UV's. I'm used to have one of those. After doing a research, weighting all "good" and "bad" about this UV, i came to decision to get rid of it. Trying to have as less equipment as possible.
Best regards!


Active Member
Hi Barracuda,
Ive decided to go for it, in as much as the price is cheap at the moment, not only that after reading the pros and cons I feel at this time the pros outweigh the cons!
All the best,