TOAD FISH ?????????


Originally posted by ryan:
<strong>dose any one know anything about toad fish????</strong><hr></blockquote>
I had one before i change over to a reef set-up. it stayed hinden until something came by. Whatever it was it became toast. It everything and anything smaller than itself.


Active Member
What species in particular are you referring to? They are generally easy to keep. They can be very lazy, only moving to procure food. They are usually very interesting display specimens. Bo


Active Member
They are nocturnal, like to burrow,and as stated above they will eat anything small enough to fit into there mouth. Very cool fish, we had one, and lost several smaller fish to him. Lisa


cool fish i have one in in a 55 gallon tank. i doubt that two of them will fight since they move so slow. it's pretty cool looking when mine does swim around.also try anglers they r cool as well.

fish boy

i am not quite sure but i am thinking of doing a tempory setup with a 120 gallon taank with 1 small puffer 2 toad fish and a blue fish in my school there is a setup just like it