toad stool leather problem!


At a lfs, i got a toadstool leather that was pretty small and looked nice. It wasnt fully excelled because it didnt have a lot of current on it. I actually just got it yesterday. It was captive bred. When we took it home it was closed up but it hasnt opened since. It has little bumps on the back of it as do most closed up leather corals. The bumps are going away now. do they like to have a lot of light? Is that why it is closed up or is this a sign of dying or something else?


power compacts. 4 by 96. so you think it is still adjusting to hte move even 24 hours after? do these take a while to settle in?


sometimes they take a few days to open up, check your water. and give it some time. also i have mine with med current running over the top.


I had the same situation, it may take up to 2 weeks, keep an eye on it and if it sheds, blow it off with a turkey baster or powerhead, you may have to do it a few times but all will turn out fine


I just got a toadstool leather last month. I have it right at the bottom of my tank and it is doing great. It took a few days to open so I think that you should be fine!


Staff member
Yes, basically true with with leathers, only the leathers do not retract their polyps as do the toad. The toad, also sheds like a snake! :D