toadstool detached from rock


my toadstool has come off the rock it was attachted to. Will it reattach it self to another rock or do I need to attach it my self and if so how?


Active Member
I'm guessing that it will reattach as long as it's not being moved around by current. Mine actually came on a rock that was falling apart so I leaned another rock on to it and it's tube attached to it. Now it's really sturdy.


well i will try to explain what i do.... i curently have alot of flow in the tank.. well everybody knows that with alot of flow that you get spots on the bottom where the sand blows away... well my spot just happen to be right in the front, so what i did was to takne some live rock rubble in filled in the bare spot. well with all these little pieces of rock right in the front i couldnt help my self to start fragging a bunch of stuff and put it right in with the rubble. it always attaches it self in a couple days no matter what frag it is. i am guessing you can make a little frag area with some rubble and put your toadstool right in there and let it attach all by it self.


Active Member
If you have a certain rock in mind, you can rubberband the toadstool to that rock and it will soon attach itself and you just cut off the rubberband when it does. Or you can do the rubble thing then glue whatever piece of rubble it attaches to to the desired rock you want it on.