Toadstool has white spots

I was plannin got buy this toadstoll for $75 at my LFS but I noticed that it has a patch of whites mark on the top. I was debating whether to get it or not. Is it dying? The salesperson said that some fish or invert must have touched it. Should i observe and wait? :happyfish


Active Member
Observe and wait sounds like the right thing to do! Toadstools are really easy to 'fix' if they get problems.. you could probably buy it and cut off anything bad on it and it'll grow back in no time... but since you have the choice to wait its always a good idea to do so.
Originally Posted by Speg
Observe and wait sounds like the right thing to do! Toadstools are really easy to 'fix' if they get problems.. you could probably buy it and cut off anything bad on it and it'll grow back in no time... but since you have the choice to wait its always a good idea to do so.

Thanks, Speg...I will wait and see if those spots will be gone.... :joy: