Toadstool issues.


I have one rock that is about 4 to 5 inches long. I ordered one toadstool from another site and I ended up with two on the same rock, that are about 4 to 5 inches each. When I first set them in the tank they were doing awesome they were open all the time and alot of polyps on them. Now it seems that one has been closed for about 5 days and then other one is doing fine it closed up but then it opened bigger then before. Could it be possible that the two to three inches they are apart could be the difference of good and bad placement? Just a week or so ago the one that has been closed was wide open and looked great. Now its been closed for almost a week. Any ideas? Another note is that I dont want to harm the toad hat is doing really well so how would I safley get the other one off the rock with out harming either one?


Active Member
Leathers go through a growth phase where they close up for several days at a time and then they open back up just fine.


Yes I know that but i thought that they only stay closed for about 3 to 4 days. Today is like the 5 or 6 day I forgot when it closed. The one next to it closed and opened up with in two days of shedding its skin or whatever the leathers do. I was hoing it is normal becuase it still looks in good health just not open at all.


you have any other corals near them? that may be touching???
my leather is about 10 inches .... was touching my alveopora... i thought theyd be ok and then the next day it wouldnt open and it opens on and off... it has a scar sort of where the other coral was touching it... probably got stung.


the other toadstool is like two or three inches away and sometimes they touchbut they are the same so i didnt think it mattered. any suggestions?


it doesnt matter if they touch.. they wont hurt each other.
another thing it could be, as the above poster stated, they to this when they grow.... shrink and expand for a few days.