Toadstool Leather in retreat...


I just got this 3 headed toadstool on Tuesday and I have moved him twice to get a good spot over 2 days. He went into retreat all day today AND has become a little white around the edges. As opposed to the light purple.
Is this normal? Someone ease my worrying.


Staff member
Pretty normal. It will probably "shed" after a few days, or even a wk or so, then will perk up.
My only advise is to put it somewhere it gets good light and indirect current and leave it there(mine sits where the power head current bounces off glass into it). Mine opened up partially the first night and then all way next morning but I have heard of some of them taking a few days to acclimate. Just make sure it is getting some current and don't move it anymore. I have heard it can do more damage moving it around too often than having it in a less than desireable location.


Thanks Beth and Lobster.
It opened when I got it home and then I moved it a couple more times. It opened up the first move and then it stayed closed. Thanks for the stone removal from my shoulder. LOL


3 days later and a cellophane looking layer came off and the tenticles are coming back out.
You guys are GOOD!!!


I purchased the same and mine went into retreat as well, found I was low on calcium and a had small bit of ammonia.. Thank god it did this so I found out about the ammonia lol... 25% water change and alls fine and it out big...


Active Member
Glad all went well, like said leave it there for awhile and see what happens---mine always slanted towards or away from current and lights, and I finally got it right after move number 3 or 4. It , IMO, gives you a clue as to what it likes and dislikes by the way it slants. Dont be alarmed if it closes up again--if it seemed happy where it was it will shed and be out soon (the longest mine did this was about 10 days). HTH and good luck.


Active Member
Just to add.....expect this again....they shed off the top layer of "skin" to clean themselves of parasites and algaes etc. every once in a while, a day or two, and they're right back to normal. Also, when a coral is struggles to regain balance with the new lighting and the zooxanthellae living in it's keep moving them while they try to adjust to the new tank is quite stressful for future reference...of course we all have moved corals, but it is really best not to when it is just put in the's struggling already....just my opinion. Good luck.


Thanks for the input Clarkii.
Sammy, that makes a lot of sense. Are you saying to put it in quickly and quietly and letting it rebound, then later get it into the desired spot?


Active Member
IMO, put it where you believe is the best spot and see what happens. Know what they like and try to place them in that spot, most likely it will need a some adjustments, but do this gradually. HTH.