There are several ways to propagate a Sarcophyton, no matter how you cut it the two indivdual pieces will almost always form a new colony. I have one that grew so large Ive had to cut the crown off and sell/or trade it twice now, it has also laid down several daughter colonies, but these colonies didnt start appearing until a couple of years after I got the. If you just want to make a couple of daughter colonies the easiest way would be to get a brand new razor blade, and make a small cutting of the crown, then attach the cutting to a rock via some fine netting, a rubber band, or using the tooth pick method. The mother colony will close after being cut, as will the cutting, and the cutting usually takes a little longer to re-open. Place the clipping as close to the mother as possible, while still allowing adequate light and current. Then just give it time, eventually a new crown will form as well as a stalk and youll have a new toadstool