Toadstool leather???


Ok I have a Toadstool and it has been extended and tentacle-like structures on the cap extended beautifully for weeks now. Then it retracted down and drew in the tentacle structures and has withdrawn suddenly.... any idea?"
dkh @ 10 - 11
ammonia @ 0
Trates @ 2
Trites @ 0
Ca @ 425
temp @ 80
Ph @ 8.3
salinity @ 1.023
only change is that I have added iodine twice within as many weeks prior although no way yet to measure iodine/iodide level. ( I do know that i need to add, if i choose to add iodine, very sparingly if needed at all. Also theres a new tomatoe clown and a new peppermint shrimp.
Any ideas as to what to suspect or do to bring him back to his gorgeous self?


could be the iodine your adding, the levels might be getting to high. i wouldn't recommend adding iodine if your not testing for it.


Could it be this//????/ i just didnt think about it but i added about 20 lbs of new LR and rearranged his location a little within the tank so could it be that he will have to re-acclimate to his new location though minimally changed as it was?


it could be either or both. leathers are tempermental when it comes to them getting moved and changes in the tank.
also like seabae said dont add anything you cant test for. it can build up in the tank and become toxic. most all the trace elements are readded when we do water changes so most thing are money makers unless you have things that use a lot of one particular nutrient.


Toadstool leahter periodically do this to shed thier skills. nothing to worry about. If you wanna help it out, either point a powerhead at it for a little while. or do what i do, grab a turkey baster and give the top of the leather a good blast... you willl see the skin peeling off....


Active Member
Totally agree with MichealTX. I just had to move mine again and it closed up and still was when lights went off. Now, if it is more than a few days then maybe it is trying to shed b/c of the change. Like said, I help mine along with a turkey baster. Just make sure you have the same amount of current to it in the new spot, all should be ok. :)


Active Member
was the new rock you added fully cured or not? if not you could be adding huge amounts of trates to the tank , and could cause a re-cycle....other than this it could be the leather shedding or jsut beign grumpy form beign moved!
good luck