Toadstool not looking good


Active Member
How long have you had it? How long has it looked like that? Sometimes they can "close up" for cpl days...I think they do this when they shed.


I had it for about a year and it has been like this for about 2 days. I guess it has done this in the past but it always freaks me out.


no I check out the water and it is fine....I might do a small water change to see if that helps!!
From the vertical indention in the stalk and the shape of the cap (ie almost like two separate heads) I would consider bilateral fission (natural division) as a possible canidate.
It is over a year old and with good water and proper lighting this would not be abnormal. This can be a long process, cause stress (hence not opening) but not IME/O cause for worry.
It could just be in a mood also :)
Perhaps it is just the angle of the pic but my .02 anyway.
PS FWIW if it were about to shed it would not have polyps partially extended (unless it had already shed :) )