Toadstool Problem - Help!


Active Member
OK, so I sound like a broken record. This is the 4th time in a month that the Toadstool has stopped extending it's polyps. Something *has* to be wrong.
This last time the toadstool shed, extended half way for 1 day and stopped again. I moved it to a place with less flow to try to encourage it to extend. No luck. It is completely bent over. Here are some pics from tonight.

Water Parameters from tonight
Temp: 78.5
SG: 1.026
pH: 8.4
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
Amm: 0
Phosphate: 0
Calcium: 420
dKh: 8


well...the first thing i would do is leave it alone for a little while...the moving and poking can aggrevate it


I keep mine under bright light and it does well, water flow doesn't seem to bother mine either. I did notice it wouldn't open for several days when I first got it. Best thing is to set it right and leave it alone they are sensitive to any motion and will retract if they feel threatened.