

Active Member
i got one of these at lfs, could someone tell me what they eat and how often to feed them, ty. also are they hardy?


Picture? As far as I know, they need a good lighting system as well as a decent water flow. You could look at the coral section of the site and try to find your species as well to get a fact sheet. I am thinking of getting one soon. Tell me how yours does!
Toadstools don't need to be fed.Moderate lighting and moderate to high flow and they should do fine.
Yes they are very hardy.
Originally Posted by ooooooohhpeter
i had a pin toadstool. ive had it about a month but its been closed for 3 days now no pins are extracting?? why?

Sounds like it about to shed...give it good flow to speed up the process.


i'm in no way trying to be rude at all here. But i notice you purchase/recieve things and then come here asking what they eat, how they act, what environment they require..what i'm saying is, do your homework beforehand. It will be much more beneficial to your animals and to yourself to do so. That way you know what care to give them or if you can even properly provide them with the care they need, versus purchasing/recieving said items and then asking questions after the fact.


Active Member
thanks for the respnse and the question i asked was are they hardy and what they eat. i know i can provide the env. it needs i checked that and i know i can go to the store and buy the food it needs if i dont already have it, and i asked if it was hardy, and asked other ppl to tell me how theirs did. i just know somethings r hardy and some arent just by nature just curious on this.
Originally Posted by reeffreakgeek
Sounds like it about to shed...give it good flow to speed up the process.
how long does it take for them to shed???