toby puffer nipping at my clownfish's fins


i noticed when i fed the fish a moment ago the toby was nipping at the maroon gold stripe clown fish's tail fin. nothing constant but 1 or 2 swipes that was very noticeable.should i be worried?how quick does the bites size pieces to re-grow?


It seems as though Mr. Tody is telling the clown that he doesn't think he is funny...territorial thing. Tody has his space & it's being violated. Meaning..never ending nipping.

jonny bolt

I also have a Valentini, with a tank raised Maroon Clown. The Clown has been in the tank the longest, and the Puffer was last introduced. My Clown has also been nipped at by the Puffer, usually on the tail, but I have also seen little nip marks on his dorsal fin and even the pelvic fins. I've actually caught the Puffer trying to do it, and I've yelled at him, signaling him to go to the other side of the tank, which he does. It usually takes anywhere from about 7 to 14 days for the fins to grow back and look normal. It seems like my Puffer will do this to the Clown atleast once a month now, used to be a few times. But it seems to be getting less frequent (knock on wood). I also have a Fuzzy Dwarf, and the Puffer wont go anywhere near his fins lol. Feed your Puffer a mussel once or twice every few weeks